Exam Requirements

Linguaskill Anywhere


Distance supervised Linguaskill Anywhere diplomas will only be delivered if exam requirements have been scrupulously followed. Candidates will be supervised by a human proctor during exams. Input from their screens, keyboards, webcams and microphones will be recorded and scanned by both artificial intelligence and human proctors.

Key Measures

Pièce identité LinguaskillPresent valid photo ID (ID card or passport that was uploaded to the website during enrolment).

WEBCAM LINGUASKILLBe alone in the exam room 100% of the time. Do not exit the room. Do not stand up or move away from your chair.

Pas de communication LinguaskillNo communication with anybody (except supervisor).  No phone calls (phone will be secured). Do not speak or read exam materials out loud.

Bureau vide pour LinguaskillDesk / computer table must be empty. Only one page of blank scratch paper and one pen allowed. 

Rester supervisé pour le LinguaskillDo not leave the field of the webcam. No looking to the sides, up or down, moving your head partially or totally out of view of the supervisor.

Microphone pour le LinguaskillDo not cut webcam or microphone at any moment.Do not use headphones. 

Cours anglais distance   No bluetooth equipment (mouse, keyboard, headphone). No other screen in the room, even turned-off.


Other important points

  • Sharing of webcam, microphone, screen and keyboard must be authorized  at all times and for the full duration of the exam. Do not ever interrupt it.
  • No electronic devices. Mobile phone must be turned off and stowed away. No TV, no second computer, tablet or any other electronic device.
  • No use of headphones. The sound must come from the loudspeakers of the computer (or external loudspeakers that the supervisor can listen to).
  • No second screen in the testing room. If there is one, cover it up with a blanket or equivalent.
  • No wrist watch. If you have one, put it away with your smartphone.
  • No other program running on your computer. No second browser, no email app, no social media app, absolutly nothing (this is a key point that is ongoingly tracked by ProctorU software).
  • Do not attempt to consult anybody, any written text or any website during the full duration of the exam.
  • No virtual machines or connexions to any other machines allowed.

Full Rules & Regulations


Some stupid mistakes to be avoided

  • Make sure family members, colleagues and flatmates are warned and do not open the door to testing room while exam is running.
  • Make sure your phone is off or in Airplane mode and stowed out of your reach. Answering the phone, or even passively recieving notifications during the exam will disqualify you.
  • Make sure you do not need to go to the bathroom during the exam. Leaving the room is a source of disqualification.
  • Do not look as if you are searching for information elsewhere than on the screen. Looking to the side or behind you will be interpreted as suscpicious behavior and can lead to disqualification.
  • Make sure your face is always visible in the field of your webcam's.
  • Do not cut the supervisor's access to your microphone, webcam, screen or keyboard at any moment.
  • Do not use virtual machines or other sophisticated software. That will immediatly be picked up by ProctorU.
  • Do not have a mirror anywhere near your table or computer.
  • Do not use headphones of any type and model.


In case exam requirements are not respected

In case something suspicious is flagged up by the human supervisor and or by the IA supervision software, an internal enquiry is conducted, during which the candidate can in certain circumstances be contacted and asked to provide further information and explanations. If VICTORIA'S English comes to the conclusion that fraudulent activity was probable, the diploma will not be given to the candidate, and Cambridge Assessment will be asked to zero it.

In 2023, roughly 10 % of Linguaskill sessions have been considered suspicious and 4 % of diplomas have been withheld. However, for candidates from certain unscrupulous countries our statistic has been up to 30% or even 50% of diplomas withheld ! Please be aware that we are particularly attentive to candidates from these countries :-)

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